

I have been a pastor’s wife for over four decades, yet some days I doubt that I have learned anything about this life.  There are times I am thrilled to be in the most rewarding profession ever, and other days I am sure that doing anything else would be far better.

The problem with pastoring is that it’s not just a profession, but a lifestyle. It is not a regimented 40-hour-a-week career that can be put down for awhile then picked back up when we are ready.

Whether you are a veteran or a novice, situations arise which are baffling and the right solution eludes you. It is my prayer that this website will shed light on the questions that pastors’ wives ask, and provide encouragement and help for your walk.

My purpose is not to tell you what kind of a pastor’s wife you should be.  My goal is to provide answers, encouragement and direction for your questions in order for you to become the pastor’s wife God asks you to be.